about will palmer

About Me

At my core, I’m an artist.

I view business as a creative outlet letting you stack infinite combinations of technology, people, and solutions together to deliver insane value to potential clients at scale.

I am scaling Growth Lab, my marketing agency that helps law firms acquire new clients and cases from proven SEO and PPC solutions.

As a company, I invest time and energy into building out the best remote work culture possible that scales using systems, automation, AI, and top-talent.

Outside of work, I enjoy leading other men both personally and professionally to learn who they are and to discover their purpose.

This includes men’s addiction recovery groups, Built For Brave Men’s Community, and others.

I’m also passionate and curious about a bunch of stuff.

What I Believe in:

Building Community
Sharing Success
Giving Back

As a life-long learner, I am obsessed with the systems and tools you can leverage to become the very best version of ourselves.

To discover what we’re called to do.

And to fearlessly pursue our calling without fear of regret.

That’s why I’ve always said and firmly believe that:

Happiness is a form of courage.

So please follow along and join me on my journey of continued joy and fulfilment.

I hope I can teach you what I’ve learned to be successful, so that you too can life a happy and courageous life.

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